The day after Google+ was officially released, the traffic to this blog doubled. A day later and the traffic multiplied by five.
I believe this is a strong indicator of Google Plus receiving a great deal of additional sign ups (and I’m incredibly interested to find out how many). I created a post very similar to this one while Google+ was still closed to the public but I imagine there are now plenty of new users out there who are looking to add and be added to circles.

It's time to widen those circles out!
I have created a thread in the sister forum of this blog to facilitate this very need. Simply leave a post with your Google+ profile link and brief summary of your interests (if you wish) and allow others to add you to their circles, just remember to add them to yours in return. I have started us off so get adding your own links and hopefully this will grow in no time –
Click here to visit the thread
If you aren’t interested in signing up to the forum then feel free to make use of the comments section below instead; I have already done this with the Google Plus game, Crime City, and people have added up to 40 additional members to their mafia so far thanks to the post.
*Also a quick note: Please remember to contact me directly if you have any requests, complaints or comments about this blog as I’m always open to suggestions!