Don’t let the title mislead you. I am not talking about adding mindless spammers or mime-like profiles to your circles, there are now ways to find relevant Google Plus users suited to your interests. I myself have already come across a few interesting people who share fun and interesting content, here are ways you can do the same:
This website gives you the opportunity to add yourself to existing groups, create your own or just follow individual interesting Google Plus users. Simply enter your your Google+ profile URL or ID, select the group(s) of your choice and hit “Add Groupee”. I imagine particular groups may be prone to spam attacks but I am also confident that Google will combat these profiles over time.
You may have come across a few 3rd party Google Plus websites which provide the “best ranking” profiles on the social network. These are unfortunately only determined by follower count in most cases however, despite whether the user has even ever posted or not. GPlus Rank provides you with a much more detailed ranking system which can also be divided by certain categories. This ensures you only ever ensures that you add relevant people according to your interests who are already approved by votes from other Google+ users.
Do you want to view the top Google+ users on a visual geographical scale? CircleCount gives you the opportunity to see the top 10, 100 or 1,000 Google Plus users and their estimated location on a Google Map. This is the main feature behind the site but I would recommend checking it out in detail as they have other cool features too.
I am not sure about you but it seems that every nine out of ten users on Google Plus are men… This obviously is not a bad thing but it would be nice to see this balance up as Google officially releases the social network. In the meantime you can use Women of GPlus to find and add interesting female users to your circles.
A concept obviously borrowed from Twitter’s “Follow Friday”. Brian Rose created this with the hope of it catching on, allowing users to recommend one another while on the social network site. Due to there not being a 140 character restriction, everyone now has the opportunity to express why they recommend certain users providing more detail to potential new contacts. View Christina Trapolino to see how it’s done!

It's Time to Widen Out those Circles
So get adding those relevant Google Plus users and feel free to share your own findings!
… oh, don’t forget to add Mark Zuckenberg either, he needs some loving!