Decide Who Can Notify You on Google+

Google have released a nice and much needed feature to Google+ allowing us to control who can notify us on the social network. I have to admit it’s been released with good timing as I’ve been subject to a couple of users spamming me with a different type of game notification throughout the day (who were swiftly removed from my circles). In previous posts I joked about creating an “ignore” circle but it seems that can be an automated reality now with this update as you block (in a sense) any notifications coming from within that circle.

The settings control who you will receive notifications from when they:

  • Share with you on an individual basis
  • Mention your name using the “+” feature
  • Invite you to a hangout
  • Invite you to play a game or send a message related to that game
  • Notify you about posts related to circles you are in
It’s really simple to change these settings, simply click the gear icon in the top right corner of your Google+ account and click on Google+ settings. Under the Who can interact with you and your posts  header, find the Who can send you notifications? option and click the button next to it to expand the options. You will now have a selection of categories you can select to receive notifications from including a Custom option to be more precise.
Control Google Plus Notification Options

By default this will be set as "Extended Circles"

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