I don’t know of anyone doing this… Then again, maybe I have unknowingly seen thousands of people doing it… That is, using Google Plus as a blogging platform. Should you use Google Plus as a blogging platform? Of course, I…
A common question people who are not familiar with the (complex at times) Google+ platform ask is: How can I delete my Google+ Photos? Usually they are referring to “Auto Backup” photos aka Autobackup photos. By default, your Autobackup files…
A while back I showed you guys a list of useful extensions and apps dedicated to Google Plus, one of these extensions was simply called “Uncircle” which identified inactive people within your circles with the opportunity to uncircle them. This…
I can already read your thoughts upon glancing the title above. You are thinking… …Twitter. To be fair, you are not far away. A feature has been released in Google+ to support hashtags, meaning that including one on a post…
Some of you may have already come across the ability to connect various social networks (including Facebook and Twitter) to YouTube. The idea is that when you perform an activity on YouTube (comment on a video for example) it’s then…
Google have released a nice and much needed feature to Google+ allowing us to control who can notify us on the social network. I have to admit it’s been released with good timing as I’ve been subject to a couple…
Another day, another update. Dave Cohen, a Google employee, has been leading the technical advance on Google+ Photos. It looks like he’s the right man for the job as we all now have the ability to download pictures off Google…
Yet another cool but simple update! You now have the opportunity to share your circles with contacts of your choice on Google+. It personally brought to mind the “Lists” in Twitter but is still a cool feature nonetheless. I imagine…
This is not a strict step by step guide on how to add Twitter to your Google Plus profile but you may still find it beneficial. In my post previous to this I mentioned Google+Facebook, an extension / app which…
More and more people are testing the new waters of Google Plus and reluctantly leaving Facebook behind. I’m going to teach you how to make the move easier by transferring your Facebook friends to Google Plus in a few simple steps. Please…