So you may have already read a few blogs and articles about the CEO of Google, Larry Page, not using his own social network. His last post was made on the 15th of August and it appears that bloggers are eating this up, using it as fuel to support the claim that Google+ is dying an early death. I on the other hand don’t believe this is the case, it may seem that he has gone quiet but I believe there is much more to this…
Primarily, I imagine being the CEO of one of the largest online companies can be quite hectic, especially after releasing a social network to rival that of Facebook. Now you might be asking, “Well surely he should be using Google+ to check the feedback out first-hand?“. I completely agree and believe he is doing so. It is true that his latest public post was made over a month ago but that doesn’t necessarily mean he isn’t using Google Plus within certain circles, privacy is one of the beautiful aspects of the social network after all.
Exactly the same could be said about Mark Zuckerberg; he signed up to Google+ without ever making a single a post, yet you will probably notice that Facebook has now “borrowed” many of Google+’s innovative features since the release. It is evident that he (or other Facebook staff) were using and analysing the site in silence without having to make a public appearance.
I shall finish my mini rant by stating it’s crazy to claim that Larry Page simply “isn’t using Google Plus“. He was also spotted with a Blackberry phone recently and shot down in flames; I personally would be surprised if he didn’t have a Blackberry considering it’s a rival to the HTC phone range, how else is he going to know what his competitors are up to? I have to admit that he should be showing some sort of presence on Google Plus though, it only takes a few seconds after all.
On a lighter note, this is one of my favourite posts made by Jan Rezab to Larry Page’s profile:
“Hello +Larry Page this is G+, your new social network. Just wanted to remind you that I am here, let me know when you are available. :)”
…I think that’s going to be a long wait.
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